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We are Code Enigma

An agency of Drupal experts, we develop, host, and support websites and web applications.

We are accredited by the main governing bodies for Drupal, Acquia, AWS, Information / Cyber Security.

Our services

Who do we work with

About us

Our Blogs



Drupal support

Our Developers and System Administrators can provide additional resource and expertise for you to lean on. Or you can completely outsource to us to keep your Drupal site up to date and secure.

See our monthly plans here

Managed AWS

We provide a fully managed AWS account and highly optimised web server software stack, leveraging the latest web server and caching technology that will really make your applications fly.

Learn more

Drupal cloud hosting

We can optimise your Drupal infrastructure. If you have a preferred hosting environment or have your own servers, we provide full Linux server management.

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Web development

Our Drupal experts create custom websites, intranets, applications and modules. Migrate your site from another CMS, update your current Drupal version, or create something new.

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Talk to us about Drupal support

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Partner with us

Collaboration is at the core of Code Enigma's method of operation. We have a long history in the open-source community. Expand your customer base by combining your current offerings with our Drupal expertise.

Read more about partnering with us

Public sector? Try LocalGov Drupal on AWS free for 30 days

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Our clients

Castle in Wales

Welsh Government

Using a Kubernetes/Amazon EKS solution to reduce testing time from hours to minutes.

Learn more about Welsh Government

North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire County Council

Helping the local government to utilise the power of Drupal 9

Learn more about North Yorkshire County Council


College graduation

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Dependable managed AWS hosting for a Drupal 9 site

Learn more about Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Paediatrician looking at a toddler's throat

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Assisting a fellow Drupal agency to solve a deployment issue

Learn more about The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Featured blogs

Chris standing under a heavy blanket.
Chris introducing the swimming pool
Chris Maiden