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A group of people jumping in the air happily

123 contributors and 68 worldwide organisations made the Drupal Layout Builder better than ever for content editors

The first of this month saw the release of the latest version of Drupal, 8.7, and it's had Marketers, Copywriters, Site Managers, and Creatives jumping for joy. The features making our lives a lot easier include a new Media Library and Layout Builder and Drupal's first ever drag-and-drop content manager.

Drupal has always been our hero for flexible backend capability, but the latest version sees it responding to the emergence of instant site builders; giving editors user-friendly control over their content; translating all the way through to the end user. There's also empowerment for site managers, who can now edit without the help of a dev, meaning improved reactivity and better customer experience.

What's on offer?

More than basic drag-and-drop.

Drupal Layout Builder

This is a gift to non-technical users, allowing us to design layouts that adhere to the style across the site. We see the introduction of blocks, helping us to make designs and functionality previously only capable by a developer.

Key features:

  • Modular template builder

  • Drag-and-drop paragraph editor

  • Permissions workflows

  • World-Class Accessibility

Page Management

Site Managers and Marketers can now create new pages from templates and build on them. The user can insert blocks from the pop-out sidebar, which aren't anywhere else on the site. Once a block is added, it can be previewed immediately. Blocks can be replaced, images, text, buttons and more can be added.

The issue of moving cumbersome pre-built blocks and paragraphs has been addressed. Using the preview toggle, users can now switch out of the full 'Content Preview' mode to a slicker block view. This has simplified the interface, making reordering of blocks efficient. Worth noting that this differs from other drag-and-drop editors, as the collapsed block editor sits within the same page, so editors can drag blocks across, up and down.


We're all in agreement that accessibility is crucial, and Dries has pioneered Drupal's commitment for a long time now.

Drupal 8.7 is entirely navigable by keyboard. The drag-and-drop editor was designed for Site Managers, Marketers and Developers with specific accessibility requirements. Ultimately, this makes agency and internal marketing life wildly more accessible to all.


Here we can add, save/preview content, or publish data with ease. There are also more complex features like content staging and approval workflows, using granular controls and notifications for the governance of each layout. Marketing benefits from the devolution of the content management process. Site managers can submit updates safely, with version controls and final permission escalation.

8.7 supports more complex workflows, where multiple teams are needed. Think of an initial submission that is passed via testing teams, SEO managers, translation and localisation specialists for international audiences, and finally for senior sign off.


The Layout Builder has a templating feature, useful for sites with large quantities of content. For enterprise sites, Content Managers can simultaneously edit collections of pages with the Layout Template Editor. They be edited in unison, or rearranged while retaining the specific content. This is a dream for saving time when one block needs to be changed across multiple locations.

Media Library

Drupal 8.7 included a Media Library to make asset management quicker for Site Managers; especially within the drag-and-drop format.

Another pop-out window feature from which images and videos can be inserted into a page. The library pulls content from the organisation's collection of images, either hosted within Drupal or uploaded directly from a cloud or hard drive.

This addition allows Site Managers to insert or change images or videos most efficiently. The user selects the area where the image will be added and launches the library to select the media to which they can add metadata or extra information (like links), or change the format.

This list isn't exhaustive, we've just highlighted the best bits for those in specific functions. You can see the full list of technical updates or check on the Drupal roadmap here.