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Flexible Drupal hosting managed services

Code Enigma has a strong history of hosting websites for a range of clients leveraging the Drupal content management system. Organisations around the world trust us to host and maintain their Drupal websites where other organisations do not have the necessary flexibility to provide a suitable solution.

We’ve developed a robust and scalable yet cost-effective managed Drupal hosting solution. Based on Debian Linux as a base, we utilise the latest in server and caching technology to provide you with a high-performance Drupal web hosting solution.

Experienced Drupal support agency

We’re a Drupal expert company who have been providing a full service, from consultancy through to support and hosting, since 2010. We have a dedicated support and hosting team to serve the needs of our clients 24/7/365.

We can offer a Managed Drupal service in a number of ways; typically based on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Equally we can manage your Drupal application on your private infrastructure or with a hosting partner of your choice.

Clients benefitting from Code Enigma’s Managed Drupal hosting service
  • Welsh Government
  • Cumbria Council
  • North Yorkshire County Council
  • Hackney Education
  • International Atomic Energy Agency

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LocalGov Drupal on AWS

We've assisted LocalGov Drupal councils by offering flexible, scalable, reliable and secure hosting solutions with ongoing support. Our advanced stack allows you to safely deliver your Drupal applications on a continuous basis, integrating with a variety of testing and implementation technologies to save time and cost.

Drupal Hosting Supporting Partner

Code Enigma is an official Drupal hosting partner. To join the hosting partners programme you must demonstrate long-term commitment to Drupal and tangible Drupal hosting expertise and portfolio. By accepting us into their Hosting Partners ecosystem the Drupal Association recognises Code Enigma as an expert Drupal hosting company with a level of knowledge in the system that exceeds other companies.

AWS Select Tier Consulting Partner

We are AWS Select Tier partners and members of the AWS Public Sector Partner Program. Meaning, AWS endorses us as a specialist in delivering services to national and local government, education and national and international NGO and not-for-profit clients.

Managed Linux server expertise

Our System Administrators are Linux experts and have diverse experience managing servers with a variety of hosting providers, including Hetzner, Ionos, Digital Ocean, Linode and Rackspace.

Get in touch

Contact us

Key features of Code Enigma’s Managed Drupal hosting service

Access Code Enigma’s 11+ years of experience hosting a variety of applications. We’re regularly improving our underlying approach to delivering services, developing partnerships with our clients, proactively looking to add improvements to their unique infrastructure.

Let us develop the best platform for your application

  • Fully managed CI/CD tools provided using GitLab
  • Real-time intrusion and service monitoring systems
  • Rapid response to emergency security incidents
  • 24 hour access to our secure ticketing system
  • 24/7/365 monitoring available
  • Multi-level backup strategy

Who we work with


Croydon Council

Helping the public sector adopt LocalGov Drupal and save costs

Learn more about Croydon Council

Cumbria landscape

Cumbria Council

Connecting the local government with Drupal through AWS hosting

Learn more about Cumbria Council