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People collaborating on one laptop

Create new opportunities to support your clients

With a long history in the open source community, Code Enigma has collaboration at the heart of its values and its ways of working. By partnering with Code Enigma you can create new opportunities for your business.

This could be from opening up new business targets by partnering our Drupal expertise with your existing services. Or extending the support you provide to your clients by using our co-managed services.

We already work with a number of agencies supporting their Drupal teams, such as NDP Studios as well as providing managed hosting solutions to their clients. Or we work with design agencies such as Red Rocket or DXW, providing the Drupal expertise they don’t have.

We provide co-managed services to Wellcome Trust, working alongside their internal infrastructure team. We also work closely with the infrastructure team at Jobiqo supporting their servers at Hetzner.

Talk to us about partnering opportunities

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Partnering opportunities

Co-managed hosting

Co-managed services are all about blending your internal team with the support, knowledge and expertise Code Enigma can provide. We offer managed hosting solutions that have the flexibility to be fully hands-on or in collaboration with your internal team.

Our System Administrators can support Linux servers at a variety of hosting providers including AWS and Azure.

Co-managed Drupal

Extend your internal Drupal team’s expertise by engaging with our Drupal support options.

This could be simply by handing off the periodic update process, or by engaging our team on feature development, break/fix support, deployment monitoring or as a technical lead to help guide you through your development road map.


If you feel like you’re missing out on opportunities coming into your sales pipeline, or through the various public sector procurement platforms, we’d be happy to collaborate with you. We feel the same sometimes. If you’re a UX/design agency, with no interest in creating your own Drupal team; great!

We’re a Drupal agency with no interest in creating our own UX/design team - so let’s work together and win some stuff we can’t win on our own.


You may not want to introduce co-managed or new services into your offering, but you just want someone in the room who knows about the technology your client is using. If that’s relating to their hosting infrastructure, or they’re using Drupal as a CMS then we can provide consultancy services.

For example, we can highlight where design or usability ideas will be challenging to implement, or where there may be opportunities (or pitfalls) to an integration.