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Rebranding and integrating multiple local government Drupal 8 sites

A close up of Westminster

Westminster Housing chose us to rebrand the (then) "City West Homes" website.  Importantly, it needed to seamlessly integrate into the Westminster City Council (WCC) website.

What we did

We rebranded the existing Drupal 8 site, which needed to mirror the WCC theme. As the housing stock managed by CWH was transferred to WCC, the work was needed for consistency.

We worked with their in-house designers to find a middle ground between the two sites without causing much overhead. As such, our team helped change the logos across the site. Furthermore, we changed the CSS to fit in line with WCC style. Also, on the day the site went live we helped change the URL and redirects.

Finally, all CityWest Homes became 'Westminster Housing'. Including all email addresses and forms on the site and the Twitter feed.

CWH needed this project to run as smoothly as possible. Of course, we delivered on time and to the exact specifications.

During the project, Dean noted that we were very responsive and accommodating, awarding us 10/10 for our communication. And zero complaints were raised!


Many branding and content changes happened by a concrete date.

At this time, this date represented the transfer of services from CityWest homes back to WCC. Subsequently, the project was extremely time-sensitive. April 1st 2019 was the transfer date of housing services from CityWest Homes back to WCC. 

To control costs, CityWest Homes used a combination of a short development contract with their regular monthly support hours to complete the rebranding changes.

We have been using Code Enigma as a partner for many years and are always impressed with the speed of turnaround and professional service.

Without their assistance, it's highly likely we would have missed this date and therefore been without a website on the date of the transfer.

I’d say, they are a knowledgeable and professionally run agency that are experts in their field. As far as value for money goes they are second to none.

Dean - Website Manager

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