Example of a quick fix you can use support time for

Hackney Education are a long-term client of ours. They recently came to us with a quick-fix problem, whereby documents within embedded listings, that had spaces (%20) in the url, were returning an error message when opened.
Instead of %20 the urls showed %2520
For example:
Was displaying as:
David was thankful for Hackney’s very clear testing instructions as it allowed him to get working on it immediately.
If you’d like to know more about writing a good support ticket, we have a handy FAQ page.
David was able to find an appropriate solution to the problem, so he went ahead and fixed the issue directly on the live site, which was tested on three different pages.
The issue was that the file URLs were wrongly encoded in the corresponding views configuration. We exported the configuration changes to code, so the fix didn’t get overwritten with the next deployment. Happily, the links are now displaying as you would expect.
If you have a support contract with us, feel free to raise a ticket for minor or quick-fix issues and our developers will be pleased to work on this for you.