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A picture of Phil Norton on a blank background, wearing a black t-shirt and a sheepish grin.

Phil graduated from Aberystwyth University in 2003 with an MSc in Computer Science and has since worked as a database administrator, on an IT help desk, as a systems trainer, a usability consultant, SEO specialist, and even a programmer. Phil started working with Drupal in 2009 and has since worked on lots of high profile sites so has plenty of experience in developing and maintaining Drupal.

In his spare time Phil enjoys gaming, programming, writing technical articles, and contributing back to open source projects. He also helps to run the North West Drupal User Group (NWDUG).

Philip Norton wrote in our blog

Lego ducks
A picture of Phil Norton on a blank background, wearing a black t-shirt and a sheepish grin.
Philip Norton
Two iMac screens side by side
A picture of Phil Norton on a blank background, wearing a black t-shirt and a sheepish grin.
Philip Norton